Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , May 25th, 2011
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Beth VanNess, Howard Lerner, Martin Schlanger, Robert Ronzio.
Planning Board Members Absent: Beth VanNess , Ann Krawet
Members of the public present: Mark Sottile, Mike Parsons, Rita Furlong, Richard Furlong, Harvey Lerner, Bruce Bosworth, Pranam Lipinski, Troy Casey.
Meeting opens at: 7: 07 pm
Chairperson, Gale LaBelle, opens meeting and announces that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them. She advises that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the by-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. The board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk.
Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 13th, 2011- Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to approve meeting minutes from April 13th, 2011 , Howard Lerner seconds motion ; Unanimous Approval.
Public Hearing Continuation- Mark and Kristen Sottile, 609 Main Street, Applicants request a permit for a gas station.
Mr. Sotille approaches board members and explains that he is there for his special permit needed for his proposed gas station. Member of the public , Rita Furlong voices her concern of whether or not it would be better for the safety of the children to have the flow of traffic going in the other direction , exiting on the post office side. Ms. LaBelle asks Mr. Sotille what his thoughts are as far as the flow of traffic and the safety issues that may arise. Mr. Sotille states that he would like to put up a “slow” and a “pedestrian” sign and explains that he would certainly take into consideration any ideas or suggestions that anyone may have. Mr. Sotille confirms that he has an appointment with Mr. Lipton , regarding the line painting and that he plans on meeting with
him as soon as the special permit is approved. Mark also explains that they have shut the outside ice cream window down. Mr. Lerner suggests that he should make it so that the customer can only get approval at the pump if they are heading in the right direction. Ms. Furlong asks if the parking is diagonal? Mr. Ronzio explains that the parking is shown on the plan as being perpendicular. Ms. Furlong suggests that they should try to keep the traffic flowing in one direction. Mr. Richard Furlong states that the Town of Becket could really use a gas station and advises that there are many gas stations in Pittsfield where the parking is all over the place and in every direction. All members of the public present agree that a gas station is definitely needed in Town. Board members discuss moving the side parking places over a few feet. The fact that this may become a zoning issue is brought up, Mr. Furlong explains that it is a non-conforming lot and existed before
Mr. Ronzio suggests putting up a “do not enter” sign on the exit side of the parking lot. Mr. Ronzio questions the designated delivery space, Mr. Sotille confirms that the delivery space will be paved.
Planning Board members discuss the different conditions that have been brought up during the course of the public hearing process.
A motion is made to approve the special permit application, to vary the terms of Zoning By-law 3.1.3 in the following respect: To allow a special permit for a filling station with two pumps, awning and driveway around building for easy access and exit. The following conditions to be enforced:
1. Flow of traffic will flow from Main Street, clockwise, around the building.
2. Lines for parking on left side of building ( facing the ball field) will be moved approx. 5 feet off property line.
3. Dumpster- relocated to the end of the parking area, opposite the proposed drive.
4. Crosswalks to be delineated
5. Traffic flow- one way
6. “Do not enter” signs on both sides of the driveway to the right of the building.
7. Gas pumps will only be authorized if the front of the vehicle is facing Main Street.
8. No hazardous material will be allowed to enter storm water drains that are parallel to Route
9. Paved area on right side of the building will be extended 3 ft. closer to the lot line than shown
On Plan to allow for traffic flow around pumps.
Ms. LaBelle polls the board for a vote:
Board Members read aloud their opinion slips-
Gale LaBelle- I vote to approve this application because of the bylaw 3.1.3. I also approve the recommendations of the board environmentally and I feel that landscaping will improve and enhance the area and assist in the neighborhood’s appearance.
Robert Ronzio- I vote to approve this application because this business is a critical necessity to the community given the current and future costs in traveling over 15 minutes to re-fuel.
Howard Lerner- I vote to approve this application because it fills a void/ service that the town needs, also, the applicant has satisfied all of the board’s concerns.
Martin Schlanger- I vote to approve this application because I feel that it is a necessary addition to the Town since the nearest gas station is about 10 miles away in Otis. The restrictions to enhance safety and traffic flow is a plus.
Ann Krawet- Absent
Beth VanNess- Absent
New Business-
Kelly, Granger and Parsons- Presentation of two Form A’s.
Guarducci- Dimmock Road
Mr. Parsons approaches planning board members and passes out plans that he had prepared for David and Kathy Guarducci, property owners on Dimmock Road. Mr. Parsons explains that the property is divided by the Town line between Otis and Becket. Mr. Parsons explains that the Town of Otis has already given their approval to the piece of property. Mr. Parsons assures the board that no place on the property is less than 160 feet wide. Mr. Lerner asks how you would access the property from Becket, Mr. Ronzio confirms that you can not access the property from the Becket side.
Ms. LaBelle polls the board for a vote:
Gale LaBelle- Approve
Bob Ronzio- Approve
Marty Schlanger- Approve
Howard Lerner- Approve
Board members sign Form A plans and paperwork submitted.
Pranam Lipinski- County Road and Route 8
Mr. Parsons approaches the planning board members and passes out the plans that he has prepared for Mr. Lipinski, advising that the property was purchased from the Seymour Perlman Rev. Trust Agreement. Mr. Parsons explains that the property is located on Route 8 and Wade Inn Road. Board members discuss the division of the property and Mr. Lipinski answers any questions that are asked of him.
Ms. Labelle polls board for a vote:
Gale LaBelle- Approve
Bob Ronzio- Approve
Marty Schlanger- Approve
Howard Lerner- Approve
Crystal Pond Association- Continued discussion on road proposal. Mr. Harvey Lerner and Mr. Bruce Bosworth introduce themselves to the board and explain that they are there in place of Mr. Michael Rhein who is currently in the hospital. Mr. Lerner goes on to explain what they have in mind to rectify the traffic issues that they have been experiencing in their community for so long. Board members take out the informational packet that they have been given and briefly review. Mr. Lerner states that they have gotten approval from all emergency departments, as planning board had requested. Mr. Lerner explains that they would like to install a heavy duty chain or cable across the road on Big Bass Lane , toward Wade Inn Road ( maps are provided). The chain will be secured to the concrete barriers that
are now positioned on both sides of the road and locked at one or both ends with a keypad lock. Mr. Lerner goes on to state that there are 18 homes in the community. Harvey explains that they would like to move as quickly as possible on this project. He also explains that they do close the road, one day per year, on the day of their annual meeting. Ms. LaBelle informs Mr. Lerner that she does in fact have issues with this plan and that she is aware of the fact that they have had similar requests turned down in the past. Mr. Lerner states that all the residents fully agree with this proposal and are backing them up completely. Mr. Lerner asks if he has any proof of this and the fact that the residents are in support. Mr. Ronzio and Mr. Schlanger both agree that if Mr. Lerner or Mr. Bosworth could provide the meeting minutes, stating such, it would be very helpful. Board members confirm that this is for informational purposes only and they advise the gentlemen to go and
see Mr. William Girard, Building Inspector and Code Enforcer.
Public Participation- Mr. Troy Casey approaches board members and introduces himself. He explains where the location of his house is and explains that he would like to turn his 6 foot fence into an 8 foot fence. He advises planning board members that he will be putting in an application for this special permit request.
Board members discuss re-scheduling the June meeting from June 8th until June 22nd. Board members discuss this is the best way to try and accommodate the new applicants , so that they would not have to wait any longer. Board members agree to reschedule meeting until June 22nd, 2011.
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011
Martin Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mr. Howard Lerner seconds the motion; meeting adjourned at 9:05.
New Business-
Ms. LaBelle informs board members of a possible new application from an applicant that would like to put up an 8 ft. fence. Mr. Ronzio informs Ms. LaBelle that this would be an application for the ZBA, not the planning board.
Mr. Ronzio states that he has written the article to appear on the warrant for Town Meeting.
Budget- Read and Reviewed.
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed.
Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn the meeting , Mr. Lerner seconds motion: Unanimous approval. Meeting is adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Schedule next meeting for May 11th, 2011
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Robert Ronzio
Signed_______________________________ Date______________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Howard Lerner